How To Revamp a Blog Without a Redesign (Infographic)

There comes a time when every blogger gets an itch that they need to scratch - the revamp itch. Something just doesn't look or feel right about your blog anymore, and you've got to switch things up. The first port of call? A redesign. BUT WAIT! A redesign is not the only way you can revamp your blog, and it shouldn't be your first option by all means. There are loads of ways you can revamp your blog or give it a spritz of something new, and a redesign should only really be your last resort. Not sure how you can revamp your blog? Here's 6 easy ways to bring something new to the table, without messing with your look all that much.

Change Your Colour Scheme

Changing the colour scheme of your blog can in some ways effect your overall look and brand, but it's an easy alternative to a complete overhaul and redesign. You could introduce a handful of new colours into your current collection of secondary options, or swap out one or two colours for others instead. Even changing the shading of the colours you use can make a big impact on your look blogs design and can give the impression of a redesign without the hassle and cost. Even bringing in completely different colours or a sprinkle of glitter can bring some extra pizazz your blog didn't have before, so don't be afraid to change things up.

Change Your Font Size

You've heard it before and seen it absolutely everywhere; 16-18px is the new 12px and switching up your font size is such a small detail that could make the WORLD of difference. I used to blog at 12px and thought nothing of it, but now that I blog at 16px, I couldn't imagine what blogging would be like drunk on shrinking potion. You've got to give your readers what they want, and humans are lazy when we're not handed something on a plate. If you want people to read your content, you've got to make it easy as pie. Make your font bigger, and in some cases, make it darker. If you're font is too light a colour, people won't read it.

The Sidebar Debate

I plan on talking about the types of bloggers that have sidebars, and those that don't, but before you plan redesign, consider whether you really want or need a sidebar, and if not, where you'd put that information instead. Switching from a sidebar to a single column layout can make a big impression design wise, and can save you the hassle and pressure of a complete redesign. Moving information to other, more logically places in your blogs design can make you blog more functional, and look much better, all while saving you the effort of a redesign.

Redesign Your Blog Graphics

One of the quickest ways to revamp your blog is to create new graphics in place of old ways. Whether you go traditional with feature headers, or go all out with individual graphics for each post, your blog can look and feel so much more professional and impressive, just be a bold new change. Maybe work on the fonts you're using in the graphics, think about whether they're sharable and how they look on different social media sites. Consider the colours (as featured above) and the other little details. You don't need a complete redesign, just redesigning little feature of your blog can make a big impact.

Feel and Find New Inspiration

Sometimes, you design doesn't even need anything doing to the design in order to revamp, sometimes you just need a change in direction. Some bloggers can see the signs when their blogs direction has changed, and some bloggers fear change more than anything, but switching up and introducing content that you love to write, that interests you and your followers and relates to your current content could be an exiting way to revamp your blog without doing anything fiddly at all.

Stop Writing Content You Dislike

In my previous post on recognising the signs of your blogs direction changing, one of the signs was writing content you didn't like to write, and switching that up is one of the easiest and least painful ways to revamp your blog. Through out all of the topics and features you no longer like, no longer want to talk about, that don't inspire you and get you down. Stop writing posts you think other people want to see, when really, they just want posts that aren't being written with half a heart. To love blogging, you have to love what you blog about, and revamping the types of posts you write revamps your blog brilliantly.

When you start thinking about a revamp, reconsider all the things you could change without affecting your overall design. Sure, changing things like your colour scheme and font sizes can make a big impact, but they might not take away from your brand - in fact, they could bring it into a whole new age with fabulous new content that you're just oh so inspired to write. Revamp does not mean redesign, it merely means 'clear out, switch up and try something new'.

Are you considering a revamp or a redesign?

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