10 Authors I've Read The Most Books By

It's to be expected that, when you've been in the reading and blogging business for as long as a lot of us have, we're going to come across authors who just - they rock our world you know? We read something by them and find ourself falling in love with it, so we search out more by them, and then a few more, and a few more after that, and before you know it, you've got yourself a throne of Derek Landy novels you can rule a kingdom from! Okay, so maybe I'm a terrible fan and only have two out of 13 of his books, but still, I've read them, and that counts for something, right? Today, I've going to be taking you through the 10 authors I've read the most books by, so buckle in kids, there's a lot to get through..

Uncle Rick - 14 Books

I still can't believe that I managed to read 13 of these 14 books last year, it blows my mind.. and I read every single one of them from the library - how cool is that?! Rick Riordan became one of my instant favourite authors last year, and I don't think I could pick a series by him I love most, although I do have a sweet spot for Kane Chronicles - a) because I've also loved Egypt and their mythology and beliefs, b) because damn, those characters and the action and the whole premise and storyline was so absolutely fabulous and c) because it gets some serious stick for not being 'all about Percy'. Sure, you're entitled to dislike it, but if you dislike it because there's no Percy, our friendship is on the rocks. Oh, and Magnus Chase? It's so good, I can't wait to share my feelings closer to realise date!

Uncle Derek - 12 Books

Coming in a close second is other instant favourite author of last year, Derek Landy. I also blitzed through 11 of his books throughout 2014 - in fact, it was during the same time I was marathoning my way through Riordan's work, proof they're both equally amazing - and honestly, of all the book boyfriends I expected to have, I never for one moment thought I'd fall for a skeleton, but I did, and Skully is the only skeleton for me.. With his upcoming release, Demon Road, close to releasing, the hype surrounding it, and his other reads is just through the roof, and that couldn't make me any happier; his writing is amazing, his characters are so relatable and so hilarious and the amount of paranormal tricks and twists he puts into his work is just out of this world, and if you haven't read something by Landy, you need to rectify that, right now.

Ally Carter - 10 Books

Ally Carter is the queen of books when it comes to those I've read. There is not a female author that I've read more books by in my entire life and that's quite a record. Oh, and have I mentioned that she's a fabulous author with absolutely super characters and hottttttt guys and just so much good stuff? I have now. Name a book she's written, I can tell you want happened, why it happened, who had the best development, which characters I loved most and how much I cried or laughed because this woman is a genius, and you have to try some books by her at least once in your lifetime.

Julie Kagawa - 7 Books

Julie Kagawa is one of those authors I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of, but I've read a lot by her, and the worst thing? The amount of I've read is only around half of what she has published.. oops. I actually rather liked Iron Fey, there was something about the magicalness and the characters and everything was just wonderful. Immortal Rules.. not so much. Talon? Yeah.. no. I feel as though my hit and miss relationship with Kagawa is such a bad thing, because I avoid her work for fear I won't like it, when I quite liked her. I will one day continue with Blood of Eden and start Call of the Forgotten, but not today.

Richelle Mead - 5.5 Books

As much as I started out loving Vampire Academy, my experience went downhill very quickly, and this is not a good thing. Downhill to the point where I couldn't even finish Vampire Academy in the end, I just couldn't put myself through the painful reading anymore. You're wondering about the .5? More fool me, I still attempted Boodlines, and that definitely didn't work out as planned, no matter how much I loved Adrian, no matter how good the premise was, no matter how great the friendships were, I just couldn't do it. For some people, this series is fabulous, but for me, it's my first, and last experience with Mead for a loooooooooong time.

Josephine Angelini - 4.5 Books

Angelini was one of my first 'stab in the dark' authors of 2014. I'd seen Starcrossed around just after my interest in Greek Mythology was starting to grow and it felt almost like a neon sign had descended saying 'you need this book'. The sign was right - I definitely did need Starcrossed and the sequels that followed, and after loving the series, I knew I'd have no choice but to read her current series, Worldwalker. Sure, Trial By Fire and I didn't see eye to eye, but Angelini is still a firm standing author that I love, and her work always immerses me in worlds so completely, I never want to leave them. I cannot wait to carry on with Firewalker, and she's an author you so need to check out pronto.

Chritsina Bauer - 4 Books

Everybody has a few series that they seriously enjoy that not enough people know about or have read and Angelbound is one of those series. We're talking badass female leads, supportive love interests, great character development, a vast world of magic, demons, elementals, kings and queens and princes and battles and lots of super awesome hottttt scenes - it's a fantasy lovers playground and it's so so good. Sure, physical copies cost a little more than I personally would like, but digital copies? You're talking under �2 on Amazon, maybe $3.50 in conversion, and trust me, it is so worth it. Try this series and love it. Oh, and did I mention the next book Portia has a man that can turn into a dragon? Oh yeah..

Aileen Erin - 4 Books

Okay, so Erin and Bauer are like BFF's, but that doesn't make their work any less fabulous. Personally, I love Erin's series just a tiny bit more than Bauer, but that's because hers has the best werewolves ever. Sure, they're insanely attractive, but they're loyal, they're caring, they're sweet and so so considerate of their mates, and the entire paranormal world in this series, with lethal vampires, and witches clans and black magic and lots of fabulous badass-ness, I cannot deny that I'm a push over for this series for sure. As is the same with Angelbound, Alpha Girl is available pretty cheap on Kindle and I swear to you, if you buy this series, you will not regret it at all. Oh, and H.O.T scenes abound, yum yum.

Marissa Meyer - 4 Books

Last but not least, the crowd pleaser and favourite among most is Meyer and I don't mean Steph.. Marissa is queen of almost everything with her Lunar Chronicles series - cyborgs, science fiction, fantasy elements, romance, characters and world and you know, scenes ON THE MOON. Does it get better? Well, we can hope so with Winter on it's way, but I'm so pleased I read this series when I did, and if you haven't yet, now is the perfect time to join the crying fandom and get working on your reading of it. It's too good to miss, and you will thoroughly enjoy the experience, I can promise you that much.

What 3 authors have you read the most books by?

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