Book Review - Alpha Unleashed by Aileen Erin

Alpha Unleashed
Author: Aileen Erin
Series: Alpha Girl #5
Genres: Paranormal, Fantasy | Young Adult
Release Date: 13th October 2015
Publisher: Ink Monster LLC
Source: Review Copy - Ink Monster LLC
Tessa McCaide has had it up to here with supernaturals. Luciana may have failed to steal Tessa�s magic, but she�s just getting started on her crusade for magical domination. If her demonic summoning isn�t stopped, it could mean the end of everything.

Tessa�s allies, including her mate Dastien, are ready to fight, but they�re no match for Luciana�s power. A little help (and ancient Inca mojo) from Tessa�s cousin, Claudia, may give the side of good a chance if she can make it home in time, but stopping the war is no longer an option.

When witches and wolves fight, no one wins. Only time will tell who will still be standing after the last spell is cast.

Knowing that, as of the current moment, this is where Tessa's story ends is kind of bittersweet. Becoming Alpha was the first review copy of any book I received that I actually really enjoyed, and after two years, it's really wonderful to see how far Tessa and her cohorts have come, but it's also pretty sad - goodbyes suck, especially when they're related to series, and Alpha Girl is a series special to my heart, but I confess, after falling in love with the faultless Bruja, Alpha Unleashed just didn't quite hit the mark. Nevertheless, Erin has written a superb ending to a super awesome series, and I'm so glad I experienced this wonderful series.

In a way, I struggled with Alpha Unleashed in a very unfortunate way, and that's because after reading Bruja and loving absolutely everything about it, I was almost disappointed to be back in Tessa's perspective. Tessa has always been a strong character with gallons of development and personal growth, but where Claudia's personality made every character she encountered shine, Tessa's feels a lot more restricted and her personal relationships feel a lot less explored in comparison, and it hindered my enjoyment. As much as I loved reading Bruja and breaking up the series with a great snippet of a really interesting part of the plot, I think the decision to split the story like so wasn't a sound one. Tessa's perspective was dry and almost none existent in the period of time that Claudia was away; I couldn't help but feel it created an out of sorts feel while reading. I can't say whether I'd recommended reading the novels in order of publication or leaving Bruja until after Alpha Unleashed, but I do know it impacted my personal reading experience, and not entirely in a great way.

What I can't fault is Erin's characters and their relationships with one another. Romantic relationships have always played such a strong part in Alpha Girls's storyline, with wolves and their true mates, and as much as I love Tessa/Dastien, Meredith/Donovan and Claudia/Lucas, the family relationships and friendships are just as super and I love how Erin explores these in every installment. Seeing how far Tessa and Meredith have come from Becoming Alpha, watching how they appreciate and interact with one another and how they mean so much and would do anything for each other is just wonderful, and I think their friendship has been one of the most wonderful things about this series. Tessa's constant contact with her family - her parents and her brother - outside of the compound, and her cousins, Claudia and Raphael, has always been a joy to read. Only too often do characters develop without their parents and family, and seeing how not only Tessa still loves and cares for them the same, but how little things such as settling down for the future, aspirations, and pride can all show development not only through Tessa but through her family and friendships opinions and responses to her actions, and watching them interact has always been something I've adored.

Of course, I can't talk about Alpha Girl and not talk about the romances, and as much as they started off as a tough selling point, I can honestly say I've been won over by each and every one of them. Their depth, their emotion and their honest romantic feelings for each other, how they treat and respect one another, and how both characters in the relationship are treated as equals with each other is just delightful, and I don't think I can fault this. As much as people might have issues with the idea of young marriage, having only one true love, and knowing you've met your mate when you first see them, it's instalove in a super okay way, and I've never had a problem with it.

Alpha Unleashed is the great sequel I expected to have in the series. It tied up a lot of loose ends, all the while still keeping a fair few things open to explore later down the line, something I really appreciate. It'd be interesting to explore more the world Erin has created, more of the Inca's, more vampires and so much more werewolves, and the idea of having more from this world excites me a lot. Sure, the plot was a little jumpy and some little details got lost in transit, but I was 100% absorbed in Tessa's story, and I always have been - it's been intense, it's been full of feelings, it's been sexy and it's been oh so heartbreaking, but I've never once read a novel in this series and thought I didn't want more. Erin is a genius, and I will miss having no more Alpha Girl to look forward to any time soon, but I'll always make a point of reading her work, especially when there's darkness, creepiness and sexy men involved. I'm hooked on hot werewolves, are you ready to be too?

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