Stop Letting Other People Dictate How You Blog!

A few weeks ago, I shared a message with my mail list that really resonated with me on a personal level, about advice we receive from other people in relation to our blogs, and the response was super, but I just knew that more people needed to hear it too. I knew more people needed to hear that they don't need to be listening to everything everyone says, so today, I wanted to share that email with you all.

In the world of blogging, there are a lot of places to find advice, and a lot of varied advice that goes along with it. I'm always being told to grow my email list and invest in a domain name, and ugh, do we need anymore advice gracing our screens?

I've handed out a lot of advice in the past. I've talked about how you can (and probably could do with) protecting yourself online, how you recognise signs that your blog direction has changed, why you should ditch Blogger Stats and use Google Analytics and so much more, but really, those posts are all about making you aware of things you might not have been aware of, and putting the decisions into your hands.

There's already so much of advice out there, and there's so many bloggers specialising in so many different elements of blogging, what advice should we really be listening to? What advice is the best advice available, and how do I know it's good enough for me?

Want to know the only advice you'll ever need to hear?

It took me a long time to realise that, sure, advice can be helpful, but you don't need to listen to it all, and you definitely don't have to act on it either. You can absorb advice and chose to ignore it completely because it's just not for you, or you can choose to consider.

Stop letting other people tell you how to blog! YOU call the shots!

If you want to do something to your blog, then do it.
If you want to switch up content/graphics, then do it.
If you don't want to listen to any advice, then do it.

In the end, your blog is yours, and you don't need anybody else to tell you what to do, how to do it, or why you're going to fail if you don't. Whether you've been blogging for weeks, for months, or for years, you're going to achieve great things whether I teach you how to, somebody else advises you, or you learn it all by your own credit, and good on you for doing so.

When you see that next post advising you to do something, take a step back and ask yourself: does this advice apply to me? Is this something I really want to listen to and take action on, or am I happy doing exactly what I'm doing? You are the brain behind your blog, and what you say hunny, goes, so call the shots and take control. It's your blog after all.

Psst, you can also get yourself onto my mail list and get exclusive content, sneak peeks, freebies and more!

Who do you let call the shots on your blog?

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