8 Awesome Christmas Gifts To Give a Blogger

We bloggers are a bit of a difficult bunch to buy for. Sure, we like to bathe after a stressful day, and that collection of lotions and potions will get used, and man do we like chocolate, but please, it's not good for us, stop buying us so much. Let's not even get into the booze. What do you get the person whose pride and joy requires broadband, a comfy seat and no interruptions? Good question. Whether your budget is of the small sort or you want to splash a little cash, there are some really easy, but thoughtful gifts you can give your blogging friend that they're bound to love and appreciate. Here's 7 of my favourites.

Organise Some Guest Post Opportunities

If spending money is a bit tight, the best thing you can gift your blogging friend with is happiness. You know what would make me really giddy and happy? Having bloggers I admire, respect and love either wanting to be featured on my blog, or open to the idea of featuring me on there's. I organised a guest post swap with Ashley earlier this year, and the response I got, new visitors I received, and referrals was amazing, not to mention the actual opportunity was awesome. Take note of your blogging friends favourite and highly admired bloggers and put out some feelers, gouge a reaction and see if you can organise a surprise they'd never expect.

Buy Business Cards

Sometimes, the struggle to feel professional while being passionate about a hobby is tough, and finding ways to show yourself to be serious about something so.. chill, it's hard. That's where business cards come in. Whether they hand them out to other friends, in libraries and bookstores, at conventions, signings or special occasions, having business cards will make your blogging friend look, and feel, awesome - not to mention it makes you look like a fabulous friend. Boom.

Design Or Buy a Blog Planner

Bloggers, at least, most of them, either love to be organised or wish they were more organised, but finding the right method is difficult. For some, a diary will be a great companion and gift, but for others, they want, and need, a proper blog planner. There are loads of blog planners out there, and I have my own coming in the next week or two (and it'll be free!) so I don't need to buy one, but sometimes,going that extra mile means everything, and it's so worth it.

Pay Off Some/Towards One Of Their Outgoings

A lot of bloggers don't take my free approach to blogging, and that's fair enough, it's their decision and they're happy with it, but when you're stuck for what to buying your fellow blogging friend, why not offer to pay for some of their outgoings towards their blog. This could be anything from their subscription to a program, an update for one of their most used programs, paying towards their annual fee for something they use, or even paying for their hosting for the year. Not only is it a practical present that would go down a storm, it shows you care about their hobbies or their business, even if you don't always understand what it is they do.

Pay For a New Blog Design

Has your blogging friend been telling you how much they wish they could have a new, all singing, all dancing design, but they're too broke to even consider it? Give them the gift of a new design. Sure, blog designs can cost a pretty penny depending on where you look, but there are so many different options available - you could just buy them a premade theme that makes them happy, or even surprise them with the opportunity for an entire design, the opportunities are endless. Not to mention that this once again shows that, no matter how much you do or don't understand about their blog, you do know that it matters to them, bingo.

Pay For a E-Course They'd Love

E-courses and Webinars are the new BIG THING in the blogging and business world, and rightly so, they work. They enable you to learn from people who know what they're talking about, usually, at pace that suits you, that skyrockets how you use your blog, how to get the most out of your blog, and how awesome your blog can actually be. You name, the internet has it. Not sure on Pinterest, there's a course for that. Not sure on Photoshop, there's a course for that too. Not sure on Wordpress, you guessed it, they've got it. If your blogging friend has been talking about a specific something that you know there's a quality course out there for - surprise them with it. It's amazing how much a blogger cares about their blog, and the fact you'd be helping them develop and grow that care is amazing.

Help Fund A Convention Trip

I don't know about you, but I've never been to a convention of any type. Sheesh, I never even been to a book signing or met someone famous (unless you count Duncan James from Blue being in my high school, but I don't). Chances are, your friend might not have either, or they might have and want to go again, but funds just aren't there. Surprise them by helping to fund their next trip. You could offer to pay for their hotel or B&B. You could pay towards their travel expenses. It could even be as simple as giving some money specifically as spending money for on the trip, just make the dream come alive.

Book Them a Break Away

Do you know what the most common of bad habits bloggers have? They don't know when to take a break, until it's too late. The slump, the rut, the dreaded lack of creativity, it hits us all, and when it hits, oh boy does it slap you in the face. Alas, booking a break away for your blogger friend is an amazing thing to do. Not only will it surprise them, but it'll also allow them time to understand that they are human and we all need a break from the things we love every now again. It doesn't have to be big. Book a B&B for a night or two with no wifi. Plan a weekend to Blackpool similar to one I took in September. Better still, go with them, make a holiday out of it. Everybody loves a surprise get-away, even bloggers.

What would you love for Christmas as a blogger?

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