My Bookish Christmas Wishlist (2015 Edition)

Over a year ago, I compiled a Bookish Wishlist, featuring a quaint handful of books that I had taken an interest in and didn't or wouldn't have minded owning. Fast forward a year later and I have acquired 7 of the featured books and read a grand total of.. zilch. I'm definitely going to be sorting that out sooner rather than later, but it doesn't stop me eyeing up other books to add to every increasing collection, something I probably need to work on.. I have, once again, acquired a bit of a wishlist, and still long for some of those books previously mentioned, so today I'm sharing my a snippet of my wishlist as it stands.

New Books To The Wish List Club

1. Enders by Lissa Price
When I consider what I actually rated Starter's when I read it earlier this year, it surprises me that I still very much want to read Enders. Sure, the series had it's issues, and there were a few elements I would have liked to have seen done differently, but the writing was addictive, the characters were pretty easy to follow and the premise was pretty awesome. I may not fall in love with this series, or consider it highly in comparison to some all-time-favourites, but I really want to see how Callie's story ends.

2. The Fixer by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I almost had the opportunity to get a review copy of The Fixer, but I lost out, and it's almost a good job too because it happened just as my reading took a beating, so I probably would never have read it in time anyway. You all know how much I loved The Naturals and Killer Instinct by Barnes, so it's only natural I'd want to read more by her, right? After so many positive reviews, I just really want to read this book.

3. All In by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
I'm feeling really twitchy over this book because, while it's due for publication in the US in November, there's no release date for the UK, and that is not good - at least, not for me. I seriously loved this series, and it's without a doubt one of my favourites in forever, so I'm, as you can expect, equally excited and petrified on how Barnes will end Cassie's story. Doesn't stop me wanting it extremely badly though.

4. Survivor by Tom Hoyle
When I read Thirteen and Spiders late last year, wow, I was bowled over by them both. I loved the scary aspect, I loved the creep factor and I seriously loved the writing too. They were such quick, fast paced, action-packed and enthralling reads, and I just know that Survivor will be much the same, if not even better. I'm so gutted I missed out on getting a review copy of this book, but I'll definitely be getting a copy, either as a gift or by my own fair hands for sure.

5. The Accident Season by Mo�ra Fowley-Doyle
Once again, The Accident Season is a novel I missed out on getting a review copy of, and probably would never have read in time anyway, but I knew from the moment I heard of it that it's the type of novel that gets my pulse rating. Suspense, creepy factor, mystery and lots of eeriness on the cover - it's a winner all the way. That and I've seen some pretty awesome reviews that tell me it's about at fabulous as I expected it to be, and that's saying something indeed.

6. Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler
I really hadn't given this book any notice when it was first released, but in the last few months, I've taken quite an interest in the premise and think it'd be such an Amanda book. I've seen the graphics inside, I've read some pretty awesome reviews, and I'm generally really intrigued by it. I can't explain exactly what it is that attracts me to it, but I've definitely become eager to read it.

7. End of Days by Susan Ee
I read Angelfall almost immediately after Christmas and pretty much loved it, and when I read World After a month or two later - I didn't quite like it as much. Ooops? I don't know, I just feel as though it all went a little weird in World After, but I know that I would like to finish the series. I'd like some answers, as little as they may be, and actually know what becomes of Penryn and Raffe, because for me, the ship is worth 70% of my enjoyment in this series.

8. Wrath and Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
I read A Thousand Nights not too long ago and absolutely loved the story woven into the plot, and sure, that book is without a doubt going to be different than Wrath and Dawn, but I am most definitely interested in seeing what has made so many people fall in love with this version of the novel. I am nervous about it and how it might or might not compare to A Thousand Nights, but it's definitely made it onto my list lately, and it'd be an intrigued read for sure.

9. Rebound & Bounce by Noelle August
Now, the awkward thing about this is, I've only actually read the first 30 pages of Boomerang, but I loved those 30 pages so much, and I have absolutely no idea why I haven't sat and read the rest of the book yet, but I will, and I know I love the writing enough to want the sequels that follow it, so of course I want them added to my collection. Oh, and did I mention that the covers? Adorable.

10. Curse Workers by Holly Black
Okay, I confess, I have read this series before, and I digress, I'm not a big re-reader, but this series is definitely a series I would love to read again, and again, and again, and I just can't figure out where. It's one of very few series I want to own that I've already read, merely because I know I will read it in the future. Is that bad of me? Gah, I'm not too sure, but I just waaaaaaaant it.

Books I've Been Weighing Up For Forever

10. Siege and Storm & Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo
I read and, well, I'd say I enjoyed Shadow and Bone, but I had my niggles, so why have I not jumped on reading the sequels after the adoration this series has. I confess, I'm afraid I'll spend a buck on a book I don't enjoy, be left owning the second in a series I neither like or want to continue, and it will have all been a waste, BUT, I'll be honest, I actually do feel tempted to try Siege and Storm. I feel as I know where the series is going, and the love triangle too, but I sort of want to see it through.. I think. Bah, yes, yes I do.

11. Magnolia by Krista Cook
Now here's a confession. I like the story of Romeo and Juliet. Sure, it's a little silly, (okay, a lot) but I find it an enjoyable tale, and when Magnolia was sold to me as a slight Romeo and Juliet just, opposite-like, and without the death, I was pretty much sold. I haven't exactly gotten around to owning it, part price, part other priorities, part I keep forgetting, but it's a book I'm definitely interested in, so maybe if I've been a good girl, I'll get it.

12. What's Left Of Me by Kat Zhang
I read The Host by Stephanie Meyer what feels like a looooooong time ago, and I really wasn't that impressed. However, What's Let Of Me sounds like it could be a much better, more in depth, more exciting read - oh, and it's a series, so that's a plus too. I know a few bloggers whom I share similar tastes with have enjoyed this series, sure, they may not have loved it, but they enjoyed, and that's sure as hell okay with me.

13. Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Page
I really wasn't sure about this for a looooooong while - I'm not a fan of The Wizard of Oz, and please, don't shoot me down, but I also have had bad experiences with OZ comics and other stories of Dorothy, Oz and everyone else involved. However, I'm into my creepiness lately, creepy, mysterious, untrustworthy narratives and I really am interested in this series now. Ugh, when would I even read it though? Gah, details, pfft.

14. The Assassin's Curse by Cassandra Rose Clarke
Can I start by saying by George the covers in this series are super beautiful? Okay, that's done. I seriously love the sound of this duology and have for a while, but I'm gutted that the books are so difficult to find and buy now the imprint has vanished off the earth. Ugh, I want copies and I want to read the awesome that is assassins, pirates, wizards, noble people, you see, it sounds awesome, and I wants.

15. Unteachable by Leah Reader
Can I be frank with you? I like sexy times in a book. I like that the character feel real, go through real emotions and just give into the life and everything that comes with it, and oh, this book I know does this, but I know it's so much more than that too, and that excites me. It sounds fabulous, it's had such great reviews and I've been interested in knowing more for over a year now, so it's definitely a book I have strong feelings about. I would LOVE to finally read this book for sure.

16. Firewalker by Josephine Angelini
I wasn't the biggest fan of Trial By Fire, but I do like Angelini's work quite a bit that I really want to continue with the series, no matter my issues with it. I've wanted to continue since I finished reading the book itself, and I'm gutted I never got to read my e-ARC in time before it went poof, BUT, I can always have a physical copy, right? Of course.

What Books Are On Your Christmas Wishlist This Year?

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