What Happens When You Question Your Worth?

Have you ever had that moment, a light-bulb scenario, where you come up with this absolutely, amazing, fantastic discussion idea and you get yourself into planning the post, deciding on the main points to discuss, how you're going to lay it out, whether it's too long or short, only to find that somebody has beaten you to it and published something on the same subject already? Sucks doesn't it? This happens to me quite a bit and while I try not to let it get to me, it does however bother me and make me wonder:

I've been told quite a bit that people enjoy, appreciate and like reading my discussion posts, they inspire them, get them thinking, they believe others need to read and share me weekly recaps and wrap-ups, but really, what have I said that others haven't said before? The thing that triggered this was a post was somebody else's post on spoilers. Now, don't get me wrong, she didn't didn't really delve into the subject like have in a post coming up, but it did make me question things like originality or when the same idea is used by many. There's been more than a fair share on posts about those subjects, but it doesn't mean the situation stops happening. Every month, every week, there's a handful of new bloggers who appear on the scene, who take inspiration, who reuse and remold ideas and features and discussions and it's wonderful to see the variety and see just how differently somebody can approach the same subject, but how much is too much? How close can you interpret before you're copying? What happens when somebody beats you to it?

I confess, I don't really take that much inspiration from other bloggers when it comes to their discussions, and if I do, I ask them first, like I did with Nitzan on my Series Relationship or Cait with the Books that Influenced/Impacted My Life, I tend to write my discussions on a spare of the moment, which can sometimes mean one post, or three in one hour/two hour sitting. I tend to go by feel, or by something that's piqued my interest, or something I think would make good conversation and that's how I start my discussions, but other people I've seen that cover the same subjects have taken inspiration from other bloggers, so does that mean I have indirectly done that too? Have I really just essentially copied somebody's idea without even knowing it? If so, then I feel like a fraud..

It's impractical to think that just because you've got a similar post to somebody means you're copying, especially if you don't even follow them or their blog, the same goes for features and memes, there's plenty that take inspiration, like my Five Friday Favourites is inspired by Top Ten Tuesday, but I haven't copied the format, I've interpreted and remolded, but it doesn't stop it from bothering me. I'm more than happy for people to reuse and make their own versions of my posts, but not everyone is as laid back as I am. It'd be stupid to never write a discussion post ever again, but with more and more people heading onto the scene, it's sometimes difficult to think about what I actually offer that other people don't do..

Have you ever questioned your worth in the community?

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