Happy Birthday Book Badger!

As the title would suggest, I've now been blogging for around and about a year (I don't know the actual date, but my first official review under the name Book Badger went out on the 10th, so lets call it this week shall we?) and it's definitely become one of the best and most stressful parts of my life. I've developed and grown so much in that time, learnt so many new skills and gained a lot of experience, either communicating with other bloggers, creating friendships, or working with publishers and to think about what I've achieved in a year is quite mind-blowing. I also originally had no idea how to celebrate such an important milestone in my life, I mean, this blog, Book Badger, it's helped me create relationships with people all over the world, what can I do that can remotely showcase everything I've managed to achieve and everyone I have to thank, but I think I may have just cracked it.

I really want to take a look at the things I've managed to achieve within the last year first..
  1. I've read 164 *books* since 12th October 2013.
  2. I managed to create a brand name and gain publishers trust.
  3. I managed to created and gain friendships and a level of trust in the community.
  4. I helped support and get Who Wore It Better off the ground with Nitzan.
  5. I created a new feature, Five Friday Favourites, for the community to enjoy.
  6. I managed to create and host a read-a-thon during the summer just past.
  7. I've held numerous giveaway's, both for authors and myself.
  8. I've learnt how to create blog designs and started my own small business.
  9. I created a hobby that is not only enjoyable, but appreciated by many.

That list sounds pretty cheesy and short, but really, those are the most memorable and most important things to me that I've achieved this year. Working with publishers, creating my own feature, working with authors and becoming a, dare I say it, loved member of the community, they are the things I'm going to remember about my experience so far and they've been wonderful, but really, I'm nothing without the support I've had and you, the viewers, and it'd be very wrong to not talk about the people who've impacted me most over the last 12 months and how much it and they mean to me.

Xpresso Reads, Great Imaginations and The Readers Den

These three blogs were the three blogs that impacted me most when I first started blogging in 2013. I was wowed by the design and layout and general set-up of Xpresso Reads and wanted to be just as loved and appreciated as Giselle. Great Imaginations, at the time, had this wonderful Chinese looks about it, it was mysterious and felt more personal than Xpresso Reads since Kara and Lyn delved into their personal lives more, which made me really want to be honest with any viewers I did gain. The Readers Den was the blog that made me feel that I could succeed, even though I was a newcomer in the community, I didn't have to be the best, I just had to be true to myself and enjoy what I did, just like Jasprit and Rachel did and without these ladies, Giselle, Kara, Lyn, Jasprit and Rachel, I most definitely wouldn't be where I am today.

Charnell from Reviews From a Bookworm and Stacie

Fast forward to around February 2014 and I met Charnell and Stacie for the first time, well, through cyber space anyway, and it's definitely fair to say my life has never been the same again. Creating Five Friday Favourites was one thing, but gaining the support of two fellow bloggers, who either had way more audience and more experience than me was a really big shock, and in time, I got to know these lovely ladies, and I'm so proud and honoured to call them my friends. Between then and now, Charnell and Stacie have been my support network when it comes to all things blogging and even my private personal life, offering a shoulder to cry on, a person to vent on, somebody to gain advice from and ultimately, people I can relate to. I might be the youngest and the baby in our friendship, but I could not imagine having reached this point within them, they've been my wing-women, they've been my helping hands, they've been my reading buddies, they've been two of the most wonderful friends you could ever wish for, and I cannot thank them enough for their support, kindness and their friendships. I wouldn't be here without them.

Cait from Paper Fury

It's okay Cait, it's okay to be shocked, I understand you never saw this coming, but ladies and gentleman, Cait has played such a huge part in my blogging journey and I've never really had the opportunity to tell her so. On the days I've wondered whether my content has been worthy, whether my words have been enough, whether my opinion is valid and can be taken seriously, Cait reminds me that it is, and that they have been, and that I am worthy. Whenever I've considered dark thoughts of whether keeping Book Badger around is a good idea, Cait's been there, reminding me that I am enjoyed and liked and listened to in the community. Without even trying or knowing, Cait has helped keep Book Badger alive, just by being herself and spreading her love and joy in her comments to me, and it reflects on me, on what I do, on what I post, and her humour and light-hearted nature sparks me and keeps me going.

But she's not the only person to impact me in this way. Yes, she may be a tad more influential, she can be pretty pushy, but every single person who has read a review or a discussion, or taken part in Five Friday Favourites, or appreciated Who Wore It Better, you've all kept Book Badger alive. You've not only made something I wanted to do that much more enjoyable, but you've given me another purpose, you've given me somebody else to do this for and I know that people say you shouldn't blog for others, you should do it for yourself, but in the times when doing something for me hasn't been enough, when I've had my darkest days, or my most emotional moments, I've had the ongoing support of readers, viewers, followers and commenters, and while I may do the reading, the writing and typing, you keep Book Badger going. You give me a reason to blog when I am not the reason, and I will be eternally grateful for every single person, for every view, for every comment, for everything.

*wipes tears* I know, that was definitely emotional, if you're crying grab a tissue, I don't want you leaking all over Book Badger, the one year warranty is almost up, but of course, there's still more to come. Book Badger has been here for a year, and I plan for it to be here for a- let's just say a good period of time and I am no rush to leave the community I have found myself belonging to. While styles and ways might change, while the set-up of Book Badger may go through a make-over or whether I ever move into sharing my blogging experience with somebody else, I will, for as long as I possibly can, be a part of of this wonderful world, so to celebrate my first years blogging and christening my second, I thought I'd tot up my pennies, literally, pennies people, and throw a small, but cute, thank you giveaway.

Giveaway Now Closed

This last year with Book Badger has been a wonderful experience. I've found and made friends with people I would never know without this hobby, I've found and made connections with professional authors and publishers and really felt like an appreciated part of this community, but most all, I feel at home here. I feel like this community, this bookish community, it's warm and welcoming and supportive and we all care about one another, despite possibly having never met one another. I wouldn't be here without every single one of you, and I want you to know that no matter, I will always appreciate, love and cherish the time you give me out of every other blogger out there. Do not be surprised if the future brings changes, god knows I know it will soon, but no matter where I am, or what I'm doing, I will always be a part of this community. Thank you for supporting me over the last year, and I hope the next is filled with much more exciting opportunities, friendships and books.
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