Book Review - Made For You by Melissa Marr

Made For You
Author: Melissa Marr
Genres: Mystery, Thriller, Paranormal | Young Adult
Release Date: 16th September 2014
Publishers: HarperCollins
Source: Review Copy - Xpresso Book Tours
When Eva Tilling wakes up in the hospital, she�s confused - who in her sleepy little North Carolina town could have hit her with their car? And why? But before she can consider the question, she finds that she�s awoken with a strange new skill: the ability to foresee people�s deaths when they touch her.

While she is recovering from the hit-and-run, Nate, an old flame, reappears, and the two must traverse their rocky past as they figure out how to use Eva�s power to keep her friends - and themselves - alive. But while Eva and Nate grow closer, the killer grows increasingly frantic in his attempt to get to Eva.

This book people. Made For You was one heck of a book. It was twisted, it was so deep rooted in beliefs, in doing what you think is right in all types of love and if I'm completely honest, Made For You, considering it's size and it's main storyline, covered so many more aspects than I had expected it too, and while I can safely recommend this book to people, it will not hit good notes for everyone.

Why you ask? Lets just say that religion and belief in god takes a firm feature in this novel and no, I don't mean these preaching and there's lots of prayers, but the actual attempted murder mystery is rooted in religion and for some people, this will irritate, this will not impress and it might even annoy. I myself am not a religious woman, yet I am open to the fact other people are, and on this occasion, the use of it in this novel really didn't bother me, in fact, I think it complimented the story absolutely brilliantly - it added this depth, it added this extra feel of almost not disliking to guilty person, you almost understood why they did the things they did, why they took the route they did, why they believed in themselves and in god so much, but it definitely didn't overrule the novel as a whole, especially as a mystery.

Made For You has a lot of similarities to Don't Look Back by Jennifer L Armentrout, yet an awful lot of difference at the same time - there's a teenage girl who almost died and doesn't remember much about the actual incident, there's a male character whom she used to be really close friends to with, but they drifted, yet after her accident, they become closer and actually consider themselves attracted to one another, there's some deep rooted issues and problems going on in the male characters life, but they don't overrule and the relationship between Mother and Daughter is definitely explored, yet the feature that Made For You had that Don't Look Back didn't was the added touch of supernatural and I confess, this didn't impress me, at all. I like mystery's with depth, I like mysteries that touch on the delicacies of life and the simple way you can unhinge a mind, but including the feature of predicting deaths before they happen by initiating touch, that is too far for me personally. I confess, when these moments came around in the novel, I dismissed and almost ignored them - I appreciated they, in areas, played important parts in the plot and really helped change the direction, but the actual use of it and inclusion of it really didn't sit right with me, and I think this is probably the only issue I had with the novel, yet it did affect my enjoyment more than expected.

When it came down the actual mystery element, I was both amazingly blown away and scared for life, but also a little disappointed, but we'll cover each element separately.. from a 'oh, who could it be', it didn't really work, I had guessed the guilty party, 'Judge' very quickly, and this took away some of the suspense, but having their perspective really helped work on the unhinged nature which I absolutely adored. I won't go into exactly what these perspectives where like, but I found the actual actions fascinating and cruel all at the same time and I really cannot compliment the author more. I was disgusted, but in a fantastic way, Marr wrote those scenes with so much depth, with so much detail and I really couldn't have pictured it any better in my mind. If it were on screen, I would have been in heaven, it was amazing to read and trying to remind myself that it was fictional was very difficult at times.

Made For You is a truly fantastic book, at least, in my perspective. I had a few issues with the romance, it wasn't a really strong, relatable romance, but it was enjoyable and developed well, and the relationship between Mother and Daughter and best friends was also explored and developed beautifully, but you cannot deny that they mystery elements, the murder involved, and gruesome and cruel methods that 'Judge' uses, they were absolutely amazing and I can't imagine having not read it. I was disgusted, I was impressed, I was enthralled and I was scarred, but Made For You will be enjoyed by people who love an unhinged murderer, twisted and cruel murders and a wonderful collection of relationships, from family, from friends and romance. If you can get over the use of religion used, this will be a winner. I think it's time I tried Graveminder by Marr now..

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